Custom Logistics Solutions
for the EU and Central Asia

Cost-effective logistics in the Baltics, Poland, and Central Asia. Railway freight forwarding, ship agency and commodity trading services.
We specialise in such cargo groups as biomass (chips, pellets, logs), bulk cargo (coal, various iron ores, ferroalloys, etc.), and containers.
With our result-driven team of professionals, you can estimate, reserve, track your bulk cargo, and handle documents.

About Deux Chemins

Following the most recent market breakthroughs and advancements

At Deux Chemins, we're committed to providing top performance in terms of effectiveness, dependability, and efficiency. Any task or issue involving railway freight can be handled by our highly qualified logistics specialists. Our outstanding reputation in the field is a result of an increasing number of successfully completed difficult projects and our capacity to satisfy each and every requirement of our clients.

We enjoy long-term relationships with both our clients and network of reliable brokers and partners throughout the Baltic region. We provide logistics in the EU and Central Asia with special emphasize to the Baltics, Poland, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia.

The company is engaged in providing various railway freight forwarding, ship agency and commodity trading services. Should you need help in arranging the transhipment of goods in a port, we will gladly organise it for you.

Our approach enables us to offer services more effectively and enhances supply chain management as a whole. Select the railroad route that will save you the most time and money for your bulk freight.


Ready, set, rail.

The main advantages of logistics via rail are efficiency, cost-effectiveness, reliability, low emissions, and flexibility, and we are prepared to share them with your business. We deal with bulk freight and provide help with cargo insurance and port transhipment.

Enjoy flexible scheduling and routing options, as well as potential cost reductions. If necessary, we can arrange additional train routes in addition to one-time or temporary vessel hiring for your specific bulk or liquid cargo.

By delegating important logistics and cargo trade responsibilities to our professionals, you'll free up your time and resources and create new business prospects. We will take on any necessary commitments on your behalf, including expertly negotiating terms with a port terminal, locating a buyer for your goods and concluding a trade agreement.


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